
this problem is fixed in the current developpement version of the plotlib, a new version will be released this week.


Le 28/01/13 08:52, Vincent COUVERT a écrit :

It seems that this error is due to plotlib since the error message indicates that the error occurred at line 46 of uicontrol and this line does not exists in Sciab uicontrol function (which is a C function).

Can you report this issue to the author (http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/plotlib)?


Le 27/01/13 22:54, René Grognard a écrit :
In my professional work I had access and used MATLAB for many years.
Now retired I have to switch to some free/less expensive equivalent
software and I just downloaded Scilab that seems to offer more

However ATOMS does not seem to work.

My PC is a HP ProBook 4730s running Windows 7. (Cygwin 1.7 is
installed and coud be used to run WScilex.exe.)

When I started Scilab-5.4.0 all appeared to be well:

Startup execution:
   loading initial environment
  ans  =
  ans  =
    downloadTool: "curl"
    Verbose: "True"

The  window Main categories - ATOMS was functional and allowed me to
install say the Plotting library particularly promising to a MATLAB
ex-user --- I get the message:

Installation done! Please restart Scilab to take changes into account.

OK restarting:

Startup execution:
   loading initial environment

Start plotlib toolbox 0.43
Load macros
Load help

   !--error 999
'background' property does not exist for this handle.
at line      46 of function uicontrol called by :
at line     207 of function atomsGui called by :
ms") then atomsGui(); else disp(gettext("
while executing a callback

The error message itself seems garbled!

The next one seems clearer:

  !--error 999
'background' property does not exist for this handle.
at line      46 of function uicontrol called by :
at line     207 of function atomsGui called by :

The window Main categories - ATOMS  which appears is now empty and
indeed as "dead" as a dodo.

I checked that I have full control over the SCIHOME folder and its contents.

I regularly update the free JAVA which I believe is used by Scilab.

What did I do wrong/missed in installing Scilab-5.4.0?

Any help/info will be appreciated.


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