Dear all,

After some investigations, I found that the DLLS issue came from a bug of the 
scetoexe module when used with Windows x64 scilab versions. I noticed the issue 
with both scilab 5.3.3 and scilab 5.4.1. Is there any update opf the module to 
make it run safely under windows x64?

Thanks for reply,

De : Stephane BECU
Envoy? : jeudi 29 ao?t 2013 15:41
? : International users mailing list for Scilab.
Objet : RE: [Scilab-users] Convert scilab sce files into executable files

Thanks Samuel for reply,

I've tried using scetoexe but it did seem that straightforward. Some error 
messages appeared in the windows console when running the generated .exe 
When copying from the SCI/bin directory  to my application directory the 
following dll libraries the same error mesages appeared:

  *   call_scilab.dll
  *   api_scilab.dll
  *   output_stream.dll
  *   libscilab.dll
  *   fileio.dll
  *   MALLOC.dll

De : de la part de Samuel Gougeon
Envoy? : mercredi 28 ao?t 2013 15:13
? : International users mailing list for Scilab.
Objet : Re: [Scilab-users] Convert scilab sce files into executable files


Le 28/08/2013 13:17, Stephane BECU a ?crit :
I'd like to compile .sce scilab files into .exe files in order to create a 
program which does not need the scilab software to be installed (standalone 
program). I've read many different ways to do that based on implementation of a 
c++ code using call_scilab or api_scilab libraries or simply using the 
'scetoexe' ATOMS module.
executables made through scetoexe need Scilab to be installed.

Equalis is proposing a product fullfilling your requirements:

As far as i know, it is the only possibility to do that.

Samuel Gougeon

[Maya Technologies]     Stephane BECU

Tel: 0438495901

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