The PID controller is an improper transfer function (degree of num>degree of den). In Xcos the derivative term of the PID bloc is computed by an approximation
which seems to fail in your context.

A solution should be to replace the PID bloc with a transfert function block made proper adding a very small term in s^2 for the denominator (sse the attched diagram)

Please report the problem in

Serge Steer

Le 17/02/2014 21:51, john a écrit :
I'm new to Scilab and Xcos so may be making a simple mistake, but I have the
following problem.  I created an Xcos model of a simple mass-spring-damper
with PID control using the data from the Matlab example shown  here

The Xcos results are the same as the Matlab example except for the case when
all three gains are used as follows Kp=350, Ki=300 and Kd=50 .

My result looks like this (red line) and is clearly giving a different
response to the Matlab example for the same gain values.
I have tried different solvers and time steps, but this doesn't seem to be
the problem.  I have also modelled the problem in Mathcad 7, Mathcad Prime 3
and using csim in Scilab and all those results agree broadly with the Matlab

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I have attached the Xcos file
for information. spring-damper-PID.zcos

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