Hello Guylaine,

Le 31/07/2015 11:46, Collewet Guylaine a écrit :


I want to use together two atoms modules that have some functions with the same names.

Is there a way to indicate the name of the module I want to use when I call one function ?

If both functions -- say fun() -- are functions written in Scilab language -- i mean none of them is a built-in function --, then in dictinct ATOMS modules they should belong to two distinct libraries, say atoms1_lib and atoms2_lib. As far as i remember, the default foo() that will be called by foo() is the one belonging to the library that has been the most recently loaded. Anyway, to force using a instanciation rather than the other, you can use either atoms1_lib.foo() or atoms2_lib.foo() syntax. This forces Scilab to use the specified library.

In case of conflict between a built-in and a function (aka "macro") : if you define a macro with the name of a previously loaded built-in, the macro crushes the built-in. I do not know whether it is possible to still call the built-in as is. But you can clone it before overwritting its first name -- say atoms1_foo = foo (*), and then use atoms1_foo() when required -- before crushing it with the forthcoming foo(). Humm, "you can" do that in an absolute way ; but if both ATOMS modules are autoloaded, you cannot introduce
such a cloning instruction in the autoloading stack.
In such a case, you may cancel autoloading for both modules, and add loading and cloning instructions in
the your personal startup file.


(*) this way of doing becomes the only one possible in Scilab 6, because newfun() and funptr() are being removed from SCilab 6. But i met some cases for which this kind of cloning failed, while it was OK when cloning with newfun("atoms1_foo", funptr("foo")). I did not clearly caught from where and when it occurred -- may be when foo is used recursively.. --, but after some investigations i found that (still in scilab 5.5.2):
// after
 ans  =

-->d = disp
 d  =

 ans  =

-->clear d

-->newfun("d", funptr("disp"))

 ans  =

It is somewhat reported there: http://bugzilla.scilab.org/12965
About effects of cloning built-in:=, see also http://bugzilla.scilab.org/8281

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