Le 27/08/2015 01:47, duce a écrit :
z = %z;
syms n z1;
z = z1
X =z *(3*z -(5/6) ) /((z -(1/4) )*(z -(1/3) ))
X1 = denom (X);
zp = roots (X1);
X1 = z1 *(3* z1 -(5/6) ) /(( z1 -(1/4) )*(z1 -(1/3) ))
F1 = X1 *( z1 ^(n -1) )*(z1 -zp (1) );
F2 = X1 *( z1 ^(n -1) )*(z1 -zp (2) );
h1 = limit (F1 ,z1 ,zp (1) );
disp (h1 , ’ h1 [ n]= ’ )
h2 = limit (F2 ,z1 ,zp (2) );
disp (h2 , ’ h2 [ n]= ’ )
h = h1+h2;
disp (h, ’ h [ n]= ’ )
// R e s u l t
//h [ n]= ( 1 / 4 ) ˆn +(2/3) ˆn

This is the original script.
AFAIK, like limit(), syms() has never been a native Scilab function.
This script looks like an Octave script partially converted into Scilab language. So, you might look at Octave references to know what limit() is supposed to do.


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