in zeta you will give the locations (relative to y) of your boundary
in your case something like [0 0 0 , L  L L ]
if you have 6 states 3 with initial constraints and 3 with final contraints
The constraints  should then be defined by the gsub  and dgsub functions

Le 12/11/2015 11:09, a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to understand how bvodeS works and whether I can use it to
> solve numerically my problem.
> A bit of context:
> I have a 1D coupled-mode problem, where I model the propagation along
> one direction (let's call it y) of two modes (one in +y-direction and
> one in the -y-direction).
> Schematically, it looks like this:
> a(0) -->| ODE |-->a(L)
> b(0) <--| ODE |<--b(L)
> The ODE is of the first order (only a(y), b(y) and a'(y) and b'(y) in
> the ODE, together with non-constant factors).
> The thing is that I have scattering-like boundary conditions.
> I know the inputs [a(0)=a0;b(L)=bL] and look for the outputs [a(L)=?;
> b(0)=?].
> I am of course also interested in  the values of [a(y), b(y)] for all
> y in [0,L], but the puzzling issue are my boundary conditions.
> I basically half of my conditions on one side, the other half on the
> other side.
> Can I solve such a system using bvodeS?
> If I can, how am I supposed to build "zeta" to reflect that my
> conditions only concerns a(0) and b(L)?
> Is this doable to get zeta "with holes"?
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Antoine
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