On Wed, 2016-01-06 at 10:54 +0000, Lester Anderson wrote:
> Hello,
> A basic query, but I cannot seem to get the Scilab code to run as it
> should and plot the data. Not sure where it is falling over. Attached
> the code with the original Matlab commands at the front for reference.
> Oddly, the straight Matlab code will run and make the plot after first
> startingSc ilab, but will not if attempted again.
> Is there a more elegant way of reading in a range of Te values?
> Thanks for any pointers

Run it and look at the error messages, then fix them one by one.  It's
barfing a lot on matrix multiplies where you're doing invalid
operations.  Scilab is strict that if you multiply two matrices they
have to be m x n and n x q (or whatever).  I'm not sure what Matlab's
rules are for the equivalent.

Yes, Scilab would let you read Te in from a file -- at it's simplest you
can use fscanfMat, if your file is the right format.


Tim Wescott
Control & Communications systems, circuit & software design.
Phone: 503.631.7815
Cell:  503.349.8432

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