
Sorry for the misleading info: actually, font_size tunes as well the size of LaTeX outputs. My mistake.

SG:>>For instance, try "$\scalebox{1.2}{T_e\,=\,0\km}$"

A space was missing in the content, yielding an error (not due to \scalebox{}). It should be "$\scalebox{1.2}{T_e\,=\,0\ km}$". Then, scaling LaTeX output in this way also works.

Samuel Gougeon

Le 11/01/2016 23:53, Lester Anderson a écrit :

Thanks for the pointers. The LaTex formatting you suggested Samuel did
not work, but the following change suggested by Serge did:

L=legend(['$T_e\ = 5\ km$', '$T_e\ = 10\ km$', '$T_e\ = 25\ km$'],4);
xlabel('$Distance\ (km)$','fontsize',5.5)
ylabel('$Flexure\ (m)$','fontsize',5.5)
title('$Flexure\ for\ a\ Broken\ Plate\ Model$','fontsize',5.5)

As before the legend is set at bottom right and the font_size will now
change it up or down.

It is a bit confusing having different methods of doing this in
Scilab, but the code does what it should. It does seem that the
formatting is not consistent between axis labels and legends.


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