dear all 

I'm novice in Fourier series and other and my question is probably naive (sorry 
for this) => I'm wondering if scilab can directly calculate the Fourier 
coefficient a0, a_k and b_k ? 

I'm currently doing it "by hand" is order to familiarise myself with it (and 
I'm looking at the same time to documents on FFT use and rules to refind the 2 
natural frequencies of the example here bellow), but it seems I'll need to code 
the coefficient calculations ... Am I right ? 



mode ( 0 ) function y = f ( x ) y = 2. * sin ( 2 * %pi * x ) - 3. * cos ( %pi * 
x ) ; endfunction periode = 2 ; number_of_periodes = 1 ; n = periode * 
number_of_periodes ; x = [ 0 : %pi / 100 : n ] ' ; y = f ( x ) ; N = size ( x , 
" * " ) ; scf ( ) plot2d ( x , y ) ; a = fft ( y , - 1 ) ; 
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