
>----- Mail original -----
>De: "christophk"
>Envoyé: Mardi 6 Décembre 2016 14:43:25
>Ok here is another question for the Scilab experts around.
>Is there a way to convert the name of a variable into a string in Scilab?
>Lets say, I have:
>s = 2;
>string(s) // returns "2"
>//is there a function f with f(s) == "s" ??

This is rather getting the variable name from the variable handle

AFAIK, this is possible only if s is the handle of a Scilab function (so called 
"macro"), i.e. a function written in Scilab language and compiled.

Example with the existing sind() function:
t = macr2tree(sind); t.name
// It works even with aliases:
s = sind;  // with no (): we copy the handle into s
t = macr2tree(s); t.name

-->t = macr2tree(sind); t.name
 ans  =
-->// It works even with aliases:
-->s = sind; // with no (): we copy the handle into s
 ans  =
-->t = macr2tree(s); t.name
 ans  =

>Searched the web, but could only find a solution for Matlab:

I do not clearly understand what is done there. No results are displayed..
I don't know any equivalence of inputname() in Scilab.

Samuel Gougeon
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