Hello Claus,
Could you please post a true extract of your file, as a file /in attachement/, after that you checked than the issue occurs also with this extract file? It will be easier to test the issue, and it will lead to more reliable tests than copying/pasting a part of your message in a file.

Le 10/12/2016 11:22, Claus Futtrup a écrit :


I'm trying to read a datafile with csvRead, it might be the wrong function. Please help. The file itself looks like this (only showing select lines - the file contains 391 lines):

* FILE:C:\Users\claus\example.zma
* INFO: Arb1
* Data: Impedance (ohms), Phase (degrees)
   10.000    +8.8488   +40.1693
   10.199    +8.9648   +40.7994
   11.949   +10.0946   +46.1555
   12.188   +10.2827   +46.7923
  141.879    +6.7485   -10.8804
  144.715    +6.7473   -10.3382
  147.608    +6.7438    -9.8380
  150.559    +6.7377    -9.3570
  389.346    +7.2282    +9.7230
  397.129    +7.2456   +10.0717
  987.112    +8.5967   +23.3368
 1006.846    +8.6355   +23.7056
 9807.309   +26.8760   +57.2720
10003.368   +27.2519   +57.4330
20000.000   +44.3153   +62.1741

csvRead complains because the column width is changing. I execute:

localdir = "C:\Users\claus\";
filename = fullfile(localdir,"example.zma");
Mread = csvRead(filename,"",".","double",[],[],[],5);

This is the error which csvRead gives (line 10 == line 3 in above shortened dataset):

>Warning: Inconsistency found in the columns. At line 10, found 12 columns while the previous had 13.
> !--error 999
>csvRead: can not read file C:\Users\claus\example.zma: Error in the column structure

What is the recommended way to read the ZMA file?

P.S. ZMA = Impedance with 1) Frequency, 2) Magnitude and 3) Phase data.


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