I thought I unsubscribed from this mailing list but I am still getting them. 
I even deleted my user name at one point but still kept getting them. 
Currently I appear to be unsubscribed as the system suggests I subscribe yet I 
am still getting many emails. I would rather sign on and look up what I need.
 Is there more than once place to unsubscribe or is the unsubscribe function 
not working? Could someone please let me know how to proceed.Nec

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-------- Original message --------
From: Samuel Gougeon <sgoug...@free.fr> 
Date: 12/10/16  8:09 AM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: Users mailing list for Scilab <users@lists.scilab.org> 
Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Calling a java method in a Scilab function 

    Hello Pierre,


      Le 07/12/2016 10:04, Pierre Vuillemin a écrit :

    Hi all,


      I have to create unique IDs for some object in Scilab. For that
      purpose, someone kindly guided me towards the UUID class of java,
      which lead me to create this function in Scilab,


      function id = make_id()

         UUID     = jimport("java.util.UUID", %f)

         tmp      = jinvoke(UUID,"randomUUID")

         id       = jinvoke(tmp,"toString")



      It works fine.


      An a priori similar function is


      function id = make_id_err()

         UUID     = jimport("java.util.UUID", %f)

         tmp      = UUID.randomUUID()

         id       = tmp.toString()



      where the methods are called without jinvoke. While the
      instructions of the latter function work well in the terminal,
      they lead to an error when trying to exec the function


      I was wondering if it is a normal behaviour?

    No, but the bug is fixed in Scilab 6.0:


        In Scilab 5.5.2:


         UUID     = jimport("java.util.UUID", %f)

                      !--error 26 

      Récursivité trop complexe ! (Les tables de récurrence
        sont pleines)

      at line       2 of function make_id_err called by :  

         tmp      = UUID.randomUUID()

      at line       3 of function make_id_err called by :  

         tmp      = UUID.randomUUID()

      at line       3 of function make_id_err called by :  

      ... etc


    In Scilab 6.0:

    --> getversion("scilab")

       ans  =

         6.   0.   0.   1.477D+09


      --> function id = make_id_err()

      >    UUID     = jimport("java.util.UUID", %f)

      >    tmp      = UUID.randomUUID()

      >    id       = tmp.toString()

      > endfunction


    --> make_id_err()

     ans  =





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