Hi Erhy,

please find a code snipplet for extrascting an area of interest from an

Way 1:
mask is extracted from original image and stored as a new variable.

original_img = rand(100,100).*256;
extract_img = original_img (25:74,25:74);

Way 2:
make a copy of the original image   // to keep the original values...just
in case
directly process the copy

original_img = rand(100,100).*256;
filtered_img = original_img;filtered_img(25:75,25:74) = 0;

Of course this example is more grayscale related, but you can do this as
well for RGB images.

original_img_R = rand(100,100).*256;original_img_G =
rand(100,100).*256;original_img_B = rand(100,100).*256;
original_RGB(:,:,1) = original_img_R;original_RGB(:,:,2) =
original_img_G;original_RGB(:,:,3) = original_img_B;
filtered_RGB = original_RGB;filtered_RGB(25:75,25:75,:)=0;
ShowColorImage(filtered_RGB,'');   // Note: ShowColorImage is part of
the IPD toolbox.



2016-12-10 21:34 GMT+01:00 Erhy <erhard.glueck.aust...@gmail.com>:

> Hello!
> My interest ist to image processing.
> Are there tools to mask an area of an image,
> that a filter is only applied for the masked area?
> Thank you for tips
> Erhy
> --
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