Hi Paul,

You should be careful when using the square root function as it is not
differentiable at 0 (cf the attached file which illustrates this point
in your case). This will leads to issues and prevent optim from "really"
(in a sound way) converging towards the solution. 

To address the issue, you can 

- reformulate your objective function so that it is smooth near the
solution (you will still have an issue at 0 where g is not
differentiable though), 

- use order 0 methods (still, some of them might fail on non-smooth
optimisation problems as the minimum might be very "narrow") 

- dig into non-smooth optimisation (see e.g.



Le 16.01.2017 10:30, Carrico, Paul a écrit :

> Hi all 
> After  performing tests (and modifying the target function as it should have 
> been done first), I can better understand how to use 'optim' and 'Neldermead' 
> procedures. 
> For my needs the mean flags are :
> -          Step h in numderivative à usefull reading as "EE 221 Numerical 
> Computing" Scott Hudson
> -          The threshold epsg in optim (%eps is the default value - such high 
> accuracy is not necessary for my application - furthermore using a value such 
> as 1e-5 leads to err=1 that is correct for checking)
> -          Ditto for Nelder-Mead and '-tolfunrelative' & '-tolxrelative'
> Now it works fine :-)
> Thanks all for the support
> Paul
> #####################################################################
> mode(0)
> clear
> global count_use;
> count_use = 0;
> _// ****_
> function F=lineaire(X, A2, B2)
> F = A2*X+B2;
> endfunction
> _// ****_
> function G=racine(X, A1, B1)
> G = sqrt(A1*X) + B1;
> endfunction
> _// ****_
> function F=target(X, A1, B1, A2, B2)
> val_lin = lineaire(X,A2,B2);
> val_rac = racine(X,A1,B1);
> F = sqrt((val_lin - val_rac)^2); 
> global count_use;
> count_use = count_use +1;
> endfunction
> _// Cost function: _
> function [F, G, IND]=cost(X, IND, A1, B1, A2, B2)
> F = target(X);   
> _//    g = numderivative(target, x.',order = 4); _
> G = numderivative(target, X.',1e-3, order = 4);  _// 1E-3 => see EE 221 
> "Numerical Computing" Scott Hudson    _
> _// Study of the influence of h on the number of target function calculation 
> & the fopt accuracy:_
> _// (epsg = %eps here)_
> _// h = 1.e-1 => number = 220 & fopt = 2.242026e-05_
> _// h = 1.e-2 => number = 195 & fopt = 2.267564e-07_
> _// h = 1.e-3 => number = 170 & fopt = 2.189495e-09 ++++++_
> _// h = 1.e-4 => number = 190 & fopt = 1.941203e-11_
> _// h = 1.e-5 => number = 215 & fopt = 2.131628e-13_
> _// h = 1.e-6 => number = 235 & fopt = 0._
> _// h = 1.e-7 => number = 255 & fopt = 7.105427e-15_
> _// h = 1.e-8 => number = 275 & fopt = 0._
> endfunction
> _// *************************_
> _// optimisation with optim_
> initial_parameters = [10]
> lower_bounds = [0];
> upper_bounds = [1000];
> nocf = 1000;      _// number max of call of f_
> niter = 1000;    _// number max of iterations_
> a1 = 30;
> b1 = 2.5;
> a2 = 1;
> b2 = 2;
> epsg = 1e-5;    _// gradient norm threshold (%eps by defaut) --> lead to err 
> = 1 !!!_
> _//epsg = %eps;     // lead to Err = 13_
> epsf = 0;       _//threshold controlling decreasing of f (epsf = 0 by defaut)_
> costf = list (cost, a1, b1, a2, b2);
> [fopt, xopt, gopt, work, iters, evals, err] = 
> optim(costf,'b',lower_bounds,upper_bounds,initial_parameters,'qn','ar',nocf,niter,epsg,epsf);
> printf("Optimized value : %g\n",xopt);
> printf("min cost function value (should be as closed as possible to 0) ; 
> %e\n",fopt);
> printf('Number of calculations = %d !!!\n',count_use);
> _// Curves definition_
> x = linspace(0,50,1000)';
> plot_raci = racine(x,a1,b1);
> plot_lin = lineaire(x,a2,b2);
> scf(1);
> drawlater();
> xgrid(3);
> f = gcf(); 
> _//f                                          _
> f.figure_size = [1000, 1000];                
> f.background = color(255,255,255);           
> a = gca();                                   
> _//a                                          _
> a.font_size = 2;                             
> a.x_label.text = "X axis" ;                  
> a.x_location="bottom";                       
> a.x_label.font_angle=0;                      
> a.x_label.font_size = 4;                     
> a.y_label.text = "Y axis";
> a.y_location="left";
> a.y_label.font_angle=-90;
> a.Y_label.font_size = 4;
> a.title.text = "Title";                     
> a.title.font_size = 5;
> a.line_style = 1;    
> _// Curves plot_
> plot(x,plot_lin);
> e1 = gce(); 
> p1 = e1.children;                           
> p1.thickness = 1;
> p1.line_style = 1;
> p1.foreground = 3;
> plot(x,plot_raci);
> e2 = gce(); 
> p2 = e2.children;                           
> p2.thickness = 1;
> p2.line_style = 1;
> p2.foreground = 2;
> drawnow();
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