Hello Nils,

I filed a bug for your report, we're looking into it, turns out the labels don't work for simple blocks either!

Thanks your your feedback,

On 11/08/2016 10:15 AM, nils.leimb...@dlr.de wrote:


I have stumbled upon the problem. A block label in Xcos will be deleted, if it is part of a subsystem (inside a superblock) and altered outside of Xcos.

The label data is stored in block.graphics.id (inside of the respective subsystem of a superblock; so superblock.model.rpar). When I alter the content of that field, or even pull the scs_m data from Xcos and try to reopen / reload it using the xcos(scs_m) command, all labels inside of superblocks are deleted.

I am not sure if this is a bug or wether I am missing a key part to the process, but I hope this can be fixed as it is essential for my work in progress, that I can add labels to blocks on all layers of the simulation and that these will be considered when loading the diagram into Xcos.

Best regards

Nils Leimbach

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