Dear all!

I'm playing with simple digital filtering in Xcos 5.5.2.
I have two filters - low-pass and high-pass, connected in series.

Xcos does not have convolution block.
So I write FIR transfer function
<> manually
from impulse response function.
I get impulse response functions from wfir function.

Let's assume that we have two simple filters with impulse responses:
h1 = [0.3741957    0.3741957]; // it's low-pass filter from h1 =
wfir("lp",2,[.2 0],"re",[0 0])
h2 = [- 0.1870979    0.8  - 0.1870979]; // it's high-pass filter h2 =
wfir("hp",3,[.1 0],"re",[0 0])

I convert them to DLR <>
SISOs and get:
H1(z) = 0.3741957*z^-1 + 0.3741957*z^-2 = ( 0.3741957*z + 0.3741957 ) /
H2(z) = -0.1870979*z^-1 + 0.8*z^-2  - 0.1870979*z^-3 = ( -0.1870979*z^2 +
0.8*z  - 0.1870979*z ) / (z^3);
and place their numerator and denominator to the corresponding DLR blocks.
Model is in attachment. It's an illustration, not real world example.

I have a question. How I can automate the aforementioned process
I tried to create numerator and denominator with poly function and as
strings, but Xcos does not support these types in DLR settings.


*With best regards,Ph.D., assistant professor at MPEI
<>,IEEE member,maintainer of
Mathieu functions toolbox for Scilab
<>,Nikolay Strelkov.*

Attachment: fir_test.zcos
Description: Binary data

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