Le 03/02/2018 à 18:35, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
The above code draws lines in the Y-axis direction. What I intended to do is to draw lines in the frequency-direction (x-axis direction). I see how e.children(i) manipulates the curves, but have failed to find a way to change this (= the direction of the lines). I looked also at the examle that Samuel gave with the plot3d3, where he draws a globe and can turn lines on/off in the two directions ... I also looked at the latest proposal by Samuel to updated param3d(1) and the lines in his last examples are drawn along the x-axis direction.

What I intended to do is to draw lines in the frequency-direction (x-axis direction).

There are 2 distinct things:
a) the law you want to plot: Z(f)_theta or Z(theta)_f
b) the direction along which you want to plot the chosen law at the varying parameter

The only thing that you can't choose is that param3d1() plots each line from a particular triplet of X,Y,Z *columns*,
for all columns.
Then, you can do what you want.
Here is again the param3d1() example, but in an asymetric version (a long and a short sides):

[X,  Y]  =  ndgrid(-11:0.5:9,  -5:0.5:6);  // x is the long side, y the short 

R  =  sqrt(X.*X  +  Y.*Y)  +  %eps;
Z  =  sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X,  Y,  Z,  150,  85,  flag=[2,4])

R  =  sqrt(X'.*X'  +  Y'.*Y')  +  %eps;
Z  =  sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X',  Y',  Z,  150,  85,  flag=[2,4])

Since this looks not trivial, i will change the example in the page to better illustrate both cases.


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