Le 10/10/2018 à 08:47, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Le 09/10/2018 à 21:52, antoine monmayrant a écrit :
Hello Samuel,

Sorry I might not have made myself clear: fft and fftshift provide the ability to perform transform along only one of the dimensions of a multidimensional array. Something like S(x,y,z) --[FFT along 3rd dim]--> ffthift(ffft(S(x,y,z), -1,3),3)=Ŝ(x,y,kz). In that case, you need to perform fft and eventually fftshift along only the dimension of the transform. ifftshift should also provide the same possibility to perform the inverse transform: Ŝ(x,y,kz) --[IFFT along 3rd dim]--> iffthift(ffft(Ŝ(x,y,kz), +1,3),3)=S(x,y,z).

This is a basic signal processing requirement in my field.

Hello Antoine,

Yes, you are right: in case of directional FFT and odd number of elements along the chosen direction, ifftshift can't presently be used. Could you please post the same remark on bugzilla? This bug/wish is not yet reported.
Done: http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15799

IMO we may propose and include it in Scilab as soon as for Scilab 6.0.2.

BTW, still IMO, fftshift and ifftshift should rather be merged in a single function. It's the same code, except a floor<=>ceil. This should deserve just an option, not a separate dedicated function. I guess that this separation likely comes from a kind of abusive Matlab-like mimicry.

Best regards

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 Antoine Monmayrant LAAS - CNRS
 7 avenue du Colonel Roche
 BP 54200
 31031 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

 Tel:+33 5 61 33 64 59
email : antoine.monmayr...@laas.fr
 permanent email : antoine.monmayr...@polytechnique.org


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