Update for 23/10/18.

After reading up on amd drivers it looked like my remaining issue was my old
AMD graphics card, an R7 240 from circa 2014. I removed this card, swapped
my 1050Ti card from my other desktop machine and booted to a black screen so
required a fresh install of Kubuntu 18.04.

Installing Scilab from repositories gave me previously encountered errors to
do with Java. I followed and implemented the fixes from:


for reverting to OpenJDK 8, again.

Scilab now runs, Xcos graphs will display (so apparently an nvidia card
fixes that issue) but I am left with my original issue with ATOMS not
updating and saying: 

No ATOMS module is available. Please, check your Internet connection or make
sure that your OS is compatible with ATOMS

--> atomsSystemUpdate
Scanning repository http://atoms.scilab.org/6.0 ... Done

at line   265 of function atomsDESCRIPTIONget (
line 284 )
at line    16 of function atomsSystemUpdate   (
/usr/share/scilab/modules/atoms/macros/atomsSystemUpdate.sci line 33 )

atomsDESCRIPTIONget: save
('/home/chris/.Scilab/scilab-6.0.1/.atoms/packages') has failed.


Downloading nightlies or the standard 6.0.1 from the website manually leads
me back on the libgfortran merry-go-round, fixed again with installing gcc-7
g++-7 and again resulting in the X11glxdrawablefactory stuff.

I've done the export mesa to version 3.0 bit. 

I cant imagine what piece of voodoo I'm missing that managed to fix my
problem last time, I'm pretty sure I've gone through this thread and
N0rberts askubuntu responses and repeated just about all of it.

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