Hello! I wrote a parallel routine in Fortran using OMP (Intel compiler v.17.0.4) and link it to Scilab 6.01. To my surprise the program uses only one CPU core from 8 available. Besides, the same standalone code uses 8 cores. *Does anybody know what the bug (if any) in Scialab 6.01 and how to bypass it?*
My system is Ubuntu 18.04. Intel compiler (ifort version 17.0.4) command is ifort -fPIC -shared -qopenmp grav3d_omp.f90 -o gravda_omp.so Scilab link and call command are: a29=link('modules/gravda_omp.so','gravda','f'); [mgrdm]=call("gravda",a_cells,1,"d",ipar,2,"i",... xgrd,3,"d",ygrd,4,"d", zgrd,5,"d",... mgrdm,6,"d",indsub,7,"i",... frm3d,8,"d",srf,9,"i",logfiles3d,10,"i",... "out",[nr_mgrdm,nc_mgrdm],6,"d"); I made a standalone version ifort -qopenmp grav3d_omp.f90 -o gravda_omp of the same progam and run it from Scilab 6.01 unix_w("gravda_omp"); with the same result: ONLY ONE CPU CORE is used! BUT, when I run it from a terminal window(xfce4-terminal) it works fine. Every CPU core busy 100%. What's the matter? Is there a solution? Thanks in advance. Nick -- Sent from: http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Scilab-users-Mailing-Lists-Archives-f2602246.html _______________________________________________ users mailing list users@lists.scilab.org http://lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/users