Dear all,

I'm trying to read data from a file (in this case a wave file) with the following code (Scilab 6.0.1)

fid  =  mopen('g:\Mis documentos\Ondas\440Hz_0.2s.wav',  'r')
mseek(0,  fid)
h  =  mgeti(1000,'uc',fid)

I should get a vector with 1000 unsigned 1 byte integer components but I end with only 164 entries. Viewing the file with an hex viewer, the last correctly read data are

34 3E 34 3E

(decimal 52 62 52 62)

Then the following data and further data

1A 3D 1A 3DÂ  ...

are not read at all. No warning like having reached EOF. By the way, the repeated pairs are because it is a stereo file with identical left and right channels.

The same happens changing the way the file data are to be decoded. Seems to get stuck when 1A or 1A 3D appears.

Any idea of what may be going on and how to solve it?

Federico Miyara


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Attachment: 440Hz_0.2s.wav
Description: Wave audio

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