Dear all,

When opening a wav file with wavread, even with the option 'info',
seemingly it does not recognize the file as a valid wav file if it is
encoded with a category different from PCM.

For instance, I've created a simple wave file, opened it with Audacity
(a free open-source audio editor) and exported it with mu-law encoding,
getting the attached file.

Wavread with the option 'info' behaves like this:

--> H = wavread('c:\test mu-law.wav', 'info')
at line    16 of function read_wavefmt ( C:\Program
Files\scilab-6.0.2\modules\sound\macros\wavread.sci line 186 )
at line   113 of function wavread      ( C:\Program
Files\scilab-6.0.2\modules\sound\macros\wavread.sci line 128 )

find_cktype: An error occurred: Invalid wav format.

I think this behavior is not correct, since my file is indeed a valid
wav file (I successfully opened it with other audio editor).

From this and other similar experiments I conclude that the only
encoding category Scilab supports is PCM (no compression). This may be
OK to keep the function simple (there are literally dozens of formats
that can be contained in a wav file), but the documentation should warn
about that and the error message should be more accurate, informing that
it is an unsupported format, instead of providing a misleading report
telling that the format is invalid.


Federico Miyara

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Attachment: test mu-law.wav
Description: Wave audio

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