Le 27/02/2020 à 16:17, JLan a écrit :
I wonder if i have misunderstood the documentation for bitget, or if this is
a bug? It seems to me that numbers > 2^53 are still not handled correctly.
--> a=uint64(2^61)
  a  =   2305843009213693952
--> b=uint64(2^61)+1
  b  =   2305843009213693953


--> bitget(b,1)
 ans  =

is a bug.
bitget.tst tests int64 and uint64 cases with other inttypes:
--> edit SCI\modules\elementary_functions\tests\unit_tests\bitget.tst

When bitget() has been extended to 64 bits integers ~3 years ago, several bugs have appeared about the processing of these integers by other Scilab functions, noticeably some functions involved in the bitget implementation.
Not all are fixed (actually, only few of them are fixed).
But maybe it's another issue here. I could have a look, about this specific case.

If you can do other tests and get issues, please report all of them on bugzilla.

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