Hi Chin Luh,

thank you very much for the historical insight.

I've been working with this US-company and AIVP for 2 or 3
years...interesting to see how it is all connected.

Best regards,

Am So., 8. MĂ€rz 2020 um 14:49 Uhr schrieb Chin Luh Tan <

> Hi Antoine,
> This is a very valid point and I afraid to say that there will not be any
> absolute answer for this question.
> I encounter the very same issue with you 10 years back when I need to
> replace Matlab with Scilab especially in Image Processing and Neural
> Network domain.
> I came across SIP, which I believe it was one of the earliest Image
> Processing module for Scilab, but if I remember correctly, it was only for
> much older version of Scilab and only for linux platform.
> Then the SIVP toolbox appeared from China Yearly Scilab Module competition
> back then and it was a very first module based on OPENCV library. However,
> it did not cover much functions such as morphology. By then, IPD released
> to cover these missing functions. The combination of these 2 modules under
> Scilab 5.x version could cover most what I needed during that time.
> (Initial version if IPD ridding on top of SIVP to use the OPENCV lib, after
> that it maintained its own lib)
> However, there are some issues with this method (using 2 modules
> together), both modules were written in very different way. SIVP very much
> following Matlab syntax, while IPD is very "computer science" way. For
> example, function reading an image into SIVP is "imread", IPD is
> "ReadImage". Also, the IPD will load a lot of global variable into
> workspace which is not in my favor.
> Then I tried to work on SIVP and add in some functionalities and tried to
> contact the author but no reply from him. In return, some US company
> approached us and would like to "buy" the enhanced version. However, I
> insist to remained it as OSS and we came out with some other collaboration
> form and re-brand it to AIVP (Advance Image and Video Processing). The
> module was not released in public that time.
> The US company gone after a few years, and I decided to make the AIVP
> public, the first thing I did is to make it Scilab 6 compatible, and
> release it with the new name, and this is how IPCV born.
> IPCV is currently independent module, using OPENCV 4.1.2. Half of the
> functions are from SIVP, others are newly added via either Scilab functions
> or OpenCV lib. Each of the function which call the OpenCV lib will need to
> have a C/C++ gateway in which it will call the OpenCV lib.
> In order to make the module run in an OS, the OpenCV libs are required for
> that OS, for windows, it is pretty simple. For Linux, if we were to package
> it for all Linux distro, I guess there will be a lot of dependencies.
> (unless we restrict the number of libs used, then the packaging is more
> likely)
> The source codes of IPCV are published in github
> https://github.com/tanchinluh/IPCV, infact we welcome anyone who wish to
> help in improving this module. There are a lot of fields which could be
> improve, I name a few:
> 1. Convert the gateway to use new Scilab 6 gateway. (for future release)
> 2. To help package the module for all Linux (despite the size) , or any
> other suggestion welcome.
> 3. To build extra functions in Image processing using the gateway.
> 4. Documentation
> There are still a lot of half cooked functions in the module, which really
> need contributions from any of us here. It is hard for a module to survived
> in OSS world, w/o much support from the community.
> After all, If we were to launch a kickstarter project for IPCV, would
> anyone back us? 😊
> Have a nice day!
> Regards,
> Chin Luh (IPCV Dev)
> ---- On Sun, 08 Mar 2020 17:17:22 +0800 *Antoine Monmayrant
> <antoine.monmayr...@laas.fr <antoine.monmayr...@laas.fr>>* wrote ----
> Hi all,
> This mail might sound like a rant, but it is an honest question: which
> image processing toolbox is usable with scilab and actively maintained?
> I tried many of them and honestly I did not find one that is just working,
> easy to instal and that can be installed and used reliably on different
> platforms:
> - IPCV : the installation is quite difficult (at least under linux). I
> just installed it under ubuntu 19.04 and it required manual installation of
> dependencies (apt install ...) and a patch. Some functions are half
> documented and in fact not implemented (imhoughc for example). I also had
> trouble in the past where the install proved impossible during several
> months on some OSes I use at work (can't remember which flavour of linux or
> windows it was).
> - scicv: installs without any issue and as reported by Samuel (
> http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/scicv/issues/1944/
> http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/scicv/issues/1946/ ), overwrites
> 'write' and 'read' which breaks many native functions in scilab together
> with other useful modules (ie uman). This is a blocking issue that has not
> been fixed in the past 6 months. Moreover, many opencv functions are not
> available and it is not clear how to access them.
> - sip : I used it at some point but it seems that it's no longer
> supported. Is this the case?
> - many others, like sip which have not been updated for years (IPT,
> SIVP...)
> Well, it's a bit of a mess and I am a bit lost.
> Any of you have some piece of advice on which toolbox I should invest into
> and how I can  help improve this situation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Antoine
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