Hello Frederico,

I can confirm this (6.0.2 vs 6.1) on linux Ubuntu 18.04 64bits:

 6.0.2 -> ~1s
 6.1.0 -> ~50s

Could you fill a bug report?

Le Lundi, Mars 30, 2020 11:56 CEST, Federico Miyara <fmiy...@fceia.unr.edu.ar> 
a écrit: 
> Dear All,
> I have observed that Scilab 6.1 seems to have a regression respect to 
> 6.0.2. Sometimes one forgets to put semicolon after the coputation of a 
> vector with tens of thousands components. Scilab 6.0.2 listed all the 
> components very fast. That was nice because one hadn't to cancel the 
> computation, it took about 1 s. With 6.1 it takes much longer. For instance
> Fs  =  44100
> T  =  2.5
> t  =  [0:T*Fs]/Fs;
> ximp  =  exp(-t/0.3).*rand(t,"normal")  +  0.004*rand(t,"normal");
> tic
> ximp  =  ximp(:)
> toc
> This takes 1.36 s in 6.0.2
> The same code in 6.1 takes 182 s
> Any idea why?
> I know I can cancel at any moment the script execution, but if there 
> were a process that took a lot of time one wouldn't be willing to stop it...
> Regards,
> Federico Miyara

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