Hi Fredrico,

See the discussion @


here is a relevant excerpt: 

The Taylor series for log(x) is usually done about x = 1. So every term will 
have x - 1. If you're trying to compute log(x + 1) for a very small x, a direct 
call as log(x + 1) will result in x + 1 - 1 which will drop all the low-order 
bits of x - thereby losing precision if x is really small. A built-in 
log(x+1)can then elide this x + 1 - 1 step and preserve the full precision

> Le 3 mai 2020 à 08:52, Federico Miyara <fmiy...@fceia.unr.edu.ar> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I was comparing the accuracy of FFT and two exact formulas for the FFT of a 
> complex exponential and I was first surprised by a relative accuracy of only 
> 10^-13 for N = 4096, but on second thought it may be related to arithmetic 
> errors due to about N*log2(N) sums and products. 
> But I was much more surprised to detect similar errors between different 
> exact formulas. These formulas involve a few instances of exponentials so I 
> conjectured that the problem may be related to the exponential accuracy. When 
> trying to find some information about accuracy in the documentation I found 
> none. 
> The only mention in the elementary function set to accuracy appears in 
> log1p(), a strange function equal to log(1+x), which is seemingly included to 
> fix some accuracy problem of the natural logarithm very close to 1. Intuition 
> suggests that near 1 the Taylor approximation for log(1+x) should work very 
> well. I guess that is what log1p() does, so I wonder why a function such as 
> log1p is really necessary. It seems more reasonable to internally detect the 
> favorable situation and switch the algorithm to get the maximum attainable 
> accuracy. So if one needs an accurate log(1+x) function, one would just type 
> log(1+x)!
> But regardless of this discusion, I think it would very useful some hints 
> about accuracy in the help pages of elementary and other functions.
> For instance, with format(25)
> --> exp(10) 
>  ans  =
>    22026.465794806717894971
> while the Windows calculator (which is generally accurate to the last shown 
> digit) yields
> 22026.465794806716516957900645284
> The underlined digits are the least significant ones common to both 
> solutions. Scilab shows up to 25 digits, but only the first 16 of them are 
> accurate.
> Regards, 
> Federico Miyara
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