Hi Rafael,

Normally the use of some reliable/multi platform  (sleep is not) 
synchronisation mechanism allows to have the same user experience regardless 
the actual hardware. Here we could aim at least 24 refreshs by second. But I am 
not sure that realtime() would be a better alternative. Maybe using an imported 
Java method would do it.


> Le 7 juin 2020 à 09:54, Rafael Guerra <jrafaelbgue...@hotmail.com> a écrit :
> Hello Stéphane et al.,
> Would it make sense in this “Pong contest”, in addition to the OS used, to 
> also provide some sort of benchmarking of machine CPU?
> Fyi, find below simple test by Gershenfeld (1999), it computes Pi=4*atan(1) 
> by two methods:
>     Scalar test:  Pi(N)~Sum{i=1:N; 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25))}
>     Array test:   Pi(N)= Pi(N-1) + 0.5/((N-0.75)*(N-0.25))
> // Based on benchmarking test in Gershenfeld Mathematical modeling book (1999)
> // There are 5 floating point operations per step, total 5 Mflop with N=1e6
> N= 1e6;
> tic();
> ps= 0;
> for i=1:N
>   ps= ps + 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25));
> end
> dt=toc();
> printf('...SCALAR RESULT:  Mflops= %4.3f ;  Pi ~ %7.6f \n',5.0/dt,ps);
> tic();
> pv(1)= 0.5/((1-0.75)*(1-0.25));
> for i=2:N
>   pv(i)= pv(i-1) + 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25));
> end
> dt=toc();
> printf('...ARRAY RESULT:  Mflops= %4.3f ;  Pi ~ %7.6f \n',5.0/dt,pv(N));
> PS:
> ...SCALAR RESULT:  Mflops= 3.489
> ...ARRAY RESULT:  Mflops= 1.367
> Regards,
> Rafael
> On 05-06-2020 14:48, Stéphane Mottelet wrote:
> Hello all, 
> As you may have noticed, there is now a little game in the Gaphics/Animation 
> section of the demonstrations. As the speed and responsiveness seems to be 
> similar under all platforms, it would be funny to launch a little contest. In 
> the next Scilab version it would be interesting to implement a high score 
> online record, but until then, you can answer this message with the same kind 
> of screenshot I joined, showing you score and just taken after the game end 
> with and with the last dialog on the figure. 
> Cheers,
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