Hello all,

In these days of remote working, I need to use again scilab in headless mode to generate graphics.

In other words, I connect  in command line only to a remote server where scilab is installed and I want it to generate graphics using a combination of driver, xinit and xend.

There seems to be some issues with driver/xinit/xend: huge memory overhead and long computation time that makes it impossible to generate some plots in headless mode.

For example, a simple Sgrayplot that takes ~1 second to plot and save to a png in normal mode takes more than 200 seconds and huge amount of ram in headless mode (see attached test script).

I also have some plots that works without a problem in normal mode, but fail in headless mode because of some memory limitation:

   xend: An error occurred: Unable to create export file, not enough
   memory. Decreasing the number of elements or the size of the figure
   should fix this error.

Is there a way to get around these problems?

Thanks for your help,


Attachment: xend_test.sce
Description: application/scilab-sce

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