Hello all,

I might have found a workaround, but I still need to ensure that I get exactly the same end results in my code.
It seems that I can replace:

[W2, gammas] = spec(A); //crashes


[al,be,W2]=spec(A,eye(A)); //fine

If anyone has a solution with eigs, I'll take it.
Could my workaround help investigate where the bug is in the gateway between scilab and lapack?



On 05/05/2021 08:22, Antoine Monmayrant wrote:

On 05/05/2021 00:09, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
Le 04/05/2021 à 16:38, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :

Yes, it does the same

So this bug is still a problem, at least on Ubuntu.
Can you guys try to run spec.tst on his machine and comment on https://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15330 ?

Hello Samuel,

Besides, how confusing and messy the notations on the spec () documentation page are! ...

  * R defined twice but differently among arguments
  * L defined among arguments but not used in syntaxes
  * Q and Z used in syntaxes but not described among arguments
  * al, be used in descriptions, instead of alpha and beta listed in
  * E used in the description, but not in arguments nor in syntaxes...

and so on..
In addition, notations differ from a language version to another one...
Some clarification is urgently required.
It is also a big problem for portability to get such a basic functionality (solving eigenvalue problems in a linear algebra software!) only working on some platforms!

In next release, eigs() -- mainly based on the former Arnoldi module, that becomes internal -- is listed in the same help section. Have you tried it?
Well, I might be a bit far from my field of expertise, but it does not seem that eigs can compute all the eigenvalues/eigenvectors, does it? It seems that by default it computes the 6 biggest ones and can go up to rank(A)-2.

In my use case, I need all the eigenvalues...



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