Good afternoon.

I wanted to get a handle on the state of Scilab but I'm having a hard time 
putting it together.

>From social media accounts, its like Scilab froze in the middle of 2020.

Theres no recent news beyond the release of 6.1.1 in 2021.

Links to the mailing lists on the website are broken.

Searching for the mailing list finds entries on mail archive, where there is 
some information that Scilab development has moved to Gitlab and Scilab has 
apparently been bought by 3DS from ESI.

I have a few questions:

What is the state of Scilab these days?

What is the road map for further development or communication with either the 
current or prospective users, since most people will stop at the broken mailing 
list link (assuming that the mailing list itself doesn't put people off in this 
age of forums, discourse, discord etc)?

What does the acquisition by 3DS mean for the project? The original 
announcement to this mailing list was 30 days after the action itself and 
nearly 90 days has passed since that time without further information.

With best regards,

Chris Pounds. 
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