I guess your missing a comma in /etc/ipsec.conf on wt8510w:

rightid="C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway E=*" # id of 

Insert "," between "CN=vpngateway" and " E=*". The correct line would be

rightid="C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway, E=*" # id 
of gateway

The problem is that the pattern

'C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway E=*'

does NOT match

'C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway, 

I'm not an export when it comes to those Distinguished Names. But I 
guess that "CN=vpngateway E=*" is interpretet as that the common Name 
literally has to be "vpngateway E=*". Or it might be interpretet as a 
multivalue RDN. I don't know for sure.

You can also infer that from the following syslog output:

"Mar 11 10:03:27 wt8510w pluto[6505]: "client1" #1: we require peer to 
have ID 'C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway E=*', but 
peer declares 'C=nl, ST=zh, L=mld, O=ivent, OU=ric, CN=vpngateway, 

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