Graham Hudspith wrote:
> Dear All,
>     I've tried finding information on the plugins used by strongSwan and
>     have failed miserably. I'm hoping someone here can please throw some
>     light on the matter.
>     We're using eap-sim and eap-aka mechanisms to set up the tunnel. So
>     I have configured and built strongSwan with --disable-pluto to save
>     space in the installation.
>     We've also got openssl already installed, so I've also built with
>     --enable-openssl.
>     Now I'm looking to trim back the strongSwan plugins we don't need to
>     build and install.
>     Part 1
>     ======
>     Which plugins can I get rid of when openssl is being used ?
if you enable openssl then you can get rid of the following plugins:

  aes des sha1 sha2 md5 gmp

you still need hmac (always), pubkey and x509 (with rsa signatures)
and xcbc (with aes-xcbc authentication).

>     I tried adding openssl to the list of plugins in strongswan.conf and
>     removing the following:
>         aes des sha1 sha2 md5 gmp xcbc fips-prf
>     However, with these removed, the tunnel does not come up. A little
>     experimentation shows that I have to add fips-prf (okay, I can
>     understand this one) and sha1 back in.
>     Why do I need to add sha1 back in ?
shouldn't be required, see the following openssl scenario:

>     Doesn't the openssl plugin provide the same sha1 capability (via
>     openssl) ?
>     Part 2
>     ======
>     Is there a description anywhere of what the various plugins do ?

>     Which plugins require other plugins ?
>     Which can be removed when using openssl ?
see above
>     If I use "fips-prf", can I remove "random" ? Or are they not
>     alternatives ?
fips-prf is a special pseudo-random-function (prf) whereas random gets
random key material from /dev/random (TRUE) and /dev/urandom (STRONG).
The only alternative for the random plugin is the padlock plugin if
you have a VIA board with a built-in hardware random generator.

>     It would also be useful if the UML tests included strongswan.conf
>     files that indicated the minimum/specific list of plugins required
>     per test rather than seeming to include the "standard set" plus any
>     specialist ones required.
The current sets are a compromise, comprising all plugins that might be
useful in most situations.

>     There is a page in the strongSwan wiki here
>     <> which
>     lists the cipher suites supported for IKEv2. Does this show that
>     /only/ the algorithms marked with an "o" will be picked up from
>     openssl when the openssl plugin is used ? And that no other
>     algorithms which are *not* marked with an "o" will be picked up from
>     openssl (e.g. sha1 will not come from openssl) ?
I changed that yesterday. All supported algorithms are now marked by an
'o', not only the exotic ones.

>     Hope these questions aren't too noob for everyone!
>     Graham.

Best regards


Andreas Steffen               
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!      

Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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