Hello Cristina,

IKEv1 pluto daemon:

src/pluto/constants.h:#define IKE_UDP_PORT    500
src/pluto/nat_traversal.h:#define NAT_T_IKE_FLOAT_PORT     4500

IKEv2 charon daemon:

src/charon/daemon.h:#define IKEV2_UDP_PORT 500
src/charon/daemon.h:#define IKEV2_NATT_PORT 4500



Cristina Vintila wrote:
> Hello
> Sorry to bother you again with questions. I am not sure about this being in
> the documentation: can I change the default port (500) to some other one?
> Thanks,
> Cristina

Andreas Steffen                         andreas.stef...@strongswan.org
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