Robert Markula wrote:
> If the subjectAltName =, this would be "",
> right?


> And, one final question: if using the subjectAltName or the Subject DN,
> what kind of "Remote ID type" would that be on the client side?
> "RCF_822_NAME" or "FQDN"?

I guess it's ID_DER_ASN1_DN or just DN if you use the subject DN.
It's ID_FQDN if the type of the subjectAltName is DNS and ID_USER_FQDN 
if the type of the subjectAltName is e-mail address.

Speaking about DNs. I'm not an expert on that topic but it might be 
worth the effort to find out how nokia encodes DNs. There are different 
formats out there. Examples:

/C=ZA/ST=Western Cape/L=Cape Town/O=Thawte Consulting 
cc/OU=Certification Services Division/CN=Thawte Premium Server 
CA/,CN=Thawte Premium Server 
CA,OU=Certification Services Division,O=Thawte Consulting cc,L=Cape 
Town,ST=Western Cape,C=ZA

Those two lines represent the exact same DN. The encoding is just 
different. Also, note that the order of the RDNs i.e. the individual 
components like CN etc. is significant.

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