
I have been trying to bring Strongswan 4.5.3 to Android 2.2.1 and goldfish 
2.6.9. So far I have successfully integrated. 

Now I can start the emulator, verifying the Kernel and Android built. I can use 
adb to start charon. I have a couple of  questions: 

1. When I ran charon in adb shell, it started, but said: "android plugin failed 
to load, can't open android control socket". I did some search, the android 
plugin is something related to DNS. 
 Question: do i have to to enable this plugin for VPN to work on the emulator? 
If so, i did some ./configure --enable-android, it failed because it couldn't 
find a requied lib. 
2. In the frontend integration site, it says it needs CA assigned certs, quoted 
Question: Does the certificate have to be issued by CA? Would self-assigned 
certificate work? I am just playing with it and wouldn't want to spend $1500 to 
buy one from verisign. :( 

thanks in advance,
Example Gateway Configuration
A gateway certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) is required and 
the CA-certificate has to be installed on the Android phone. This can be done 
easily via the integrated browser. The web server has to 
provide application/x-x509-ca-cert as MIME-type for the certificate to trigger 
the installation on the phone.
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