No, there was no such message in my logs. Furthermore, the starter
process didn't die. You had to kill it manually, remove the PID file
and then type "ipsec start" again.

I think I suffered from the same problem as experienced by Gowri.


2012/3/21 Tobias Brunner <>:
> Hi Vilhelm,
>> It works though if you limit the debugging level and / or the number
>> of debugging options. I've reproduced this several times just to be
>> sure. Why is this?
>> The problem line was (in full):
>> charondebug="asn 3,knl 3,mgr 3,ike 3,chd 3,net 3,enc 3"
>> It works if you change it so (e.g.) charondebug="ike 3"
>> My strongswan version is 4.5.2 as included in Ubuntu 11.10
> Well, my guess is that this is because the asn log group was not added
> until the most recent release (4.6.2).  But you should have seen a
> message regarding this (something like "unrecognized option '--debug-asn'").
> Regards,
> Tobias

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