I rely on strongSwan (currently 5.1.1 and using IKEv2) to interconnect several data centres over the Internet and over private Layer 2 links.

However, on a weekly basis I'm faced with tunnel drops that require manual intervention to bring up. This causes disruptions on our applications and databases during the time it takes for an engineer to be alerted and correct the problem.

Typically the drops fall into two categories:
  1. Rekey collisions
  2. Drops with no obvious cause

In order to fix type 1 issues, I've played with the rekeyfuzz setting. The frequency of collisions has decreased, but still they occur.

I'm not familiar with charon's internals, but why does a rekey collision causes a tunnel drop? Isn't it possible to implement a solution that guarantees the tunnel doesn't drop in the event of a rekey collision?!

Could this lack of reliability be due to the old kernel in use? (2.6.18)

I'd be grateful if someone could shed some light on this topic since this problem has become severe for me.


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