If I am using the strongswan app on android to make the connection,
how is it a "broken vpn API on the client side"?

Also, contents of my vpn.example.com /etc/sysctl.conf file:

# VPN (strongswan)
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

However, vpn.example.com is not also our nat gateway, is that the
difference (both servers are on the same network)?

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Noel Kuntze <n...@familie-kuntze.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hello Cindy,
> By default, the strongSwan app also asks for the certificate chains of public 
> CAs.
> Also, your problem is not the NAT mapping, but potentially a broken vpn API 
> on the client side.
> If you want to access hosts other than your VPN server, see [1] for 
> information on how to make that possible.
> [1] 
> https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/ForwardingAndSplitTunneling
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Regards,
> Noel Kuntze
> GPG Key ID: 0x63EC6658
> Fingerprint: 23CA BB60 2146 05E7 7278 6592 3839 298F 63EC 6658
> Am 16.09.2014 um 17:17 schrieb Cindy Moore:
>> Testing connection with strongswan server and android using the
>> strongswan android app and RSA certificates
>> It connects successfully, but then I see that sent packages (from
>> android to vpn) look okay but received packets is 0 bytes/0 packets
>> and of course trying to do anything on the Android just stalls and
>> freezes and ultimately behaves as if I'm not connected to the
>> internet.
>> I have googled up "NAT mappings of ESP CHILD" but most of my hits
>> seemed to reference pre 5.0 bugs and setting nat_traversal=yes in the
>> ipsec.conf which appear s to be deprecated now.
>> Here's the relevant syslog output from the strongswan vpn server:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[IKE] peer requested virtual IP %any
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] reassigning offline lease to
>> 'C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=moi'
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[IKE] assigning virtual IP <client
>> virtual ip> to peer 'C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=moi'
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[IKE] peer requested virtual IP %any6
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[IKE] no virtual IP found for %any6
>> requested by 'C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=moi'
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] looking for a child config for
>> ::/0 === ::/0
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for us:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for other:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]  <client virtual ip>/32
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]   candidate "roadwarrior" with prio 10+2
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] found matching child config
>> "roadwarrior" with prio 12
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting proposal:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]   no acceptable ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM 
>> found
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting proposal:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]   no acceptable INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM found
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting proposal:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]   no acceptable ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM 
>> found
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting proposal:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]   proposal matches
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] received proposals:
>> ESP:AES_GCM_16_128/AES_GCM_16_256/NO_EXT_SEQ,
>> CBC_256/HMAC_SHA2_384_192/NO_EXT_SEQ,
>> ESP:AES_CBC_128/AES_CBC_192/AES_CBC_256/HMAC_SHA1_96/HMAC_SHA2_256_128/HMAC_SHA2_384_192/HMAC_SHA2_512_256/NO_EXT_SEQ
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] configured proposals:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selected proposal:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting traffic selectors for us:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]  config:, received:
>> => match:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]  config:, received: ::/0
>> => no match
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG] selecting traffic selectors for other:
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]  config: <client virtual ip>/32,
>> received: => match: <client virtual ip>/32
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[CFG]  config: <client virtual ip>/32,
>> received: ::/0 => no match
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[IKE] CHILD_SA roadwarrior{3}
>> established with SPIs ca14eb50_i 01095b0e_o and TS ===
>> <client virtual ip>/32
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH response 1 [
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 09[NET] sending packet: from <vpn's ip
>> addr>[4500] to <client ip addr>[33534] (1820 bytes)
>> Sep 15 22:39:36 vpn charon: 03[NET] sending packet: from <vpn's ip
>> addr>[4500] to <client ip addr>[33534]
>> Sep 15 22:51:12 vpn charon: 13[KNL] NAT mappings of ESP CHILD_SA with
>> SPI ca14eb50 and reqid {3} changed, queuing update job
>> Sep 15 22:56:26 vpn charon: 06[KNL] NAT mappings of ESP CHILD_SA with
>> SPI ca14eb50 and reqid {3} changed, queuing update job
>> Sep 15 23:00:50 vpn charon: 06[KNL] NAT mappings of ESP CHILD_SA with
>> SPI ca14eb50 and reqid {3} changed, queuing update job
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 02[NET] received packet: from <client ip
>> addr>[48986] to <vpn's ip addr>[4500]
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 02[NET] waiting for data on sockets
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 08[NET] received packet: from <client ip
>> addr>[48986] to <vpn's ip addr>[4500] (76 bytes)
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 02[NET] waiting for data on sockets
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 08[NET] received packet: from <client ip
>> addr>[48986] to <vpn's ip addr>[4500] (76 bytes)
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 08[ENC] parsed INFORMATIONAL request 2 [
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 08[ENC] generating INFORMATIONAL response 2 [ ]
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 08[NET] sending packet: from <vpn's ip
>> addr>[4500] to <client ip addr>[48986] (76 bytes)
>> Sep 15 23:01:20 vpn charon: 03[NET] sending packet: from <vpn's ip
>> addr>[4500] to <client ip addr>[48986]
>> Sep 15 23:10:21 vpn charon: 10[KNL] NAT mappings of ESP CHILD_SA with
>> SPI ca14eb50 and reqid {3} changed, queuing update job
>> Sep 15 23:13:23 vpn charon: 09[KNL] NAT mappings of ESP CHILD_SA with
>> SPI ca14eb50 and reqid {3} changed, queuing update job
>> ------------------------
>> ALSO, when I reran this scenario (I checked out the nat_traversal
>> anyway, although it failed to load, it's that deprecated), I noticed
>> this in the connection negotiation:
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[IKE] received cert request for unknown
>> ca with keyid 36:12:c2:39:c5:22:b9:1e:20:d4:8e:08:3c:be:69:e1:1d:a8:27:e5
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[IKE] received cert request for unknown
>> ca with keyid 30:a4:e6:4f:de:76:8a:fc:ed:5a:90:84:28:30:46:79:2c:29:15:70
>> ...
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[IKE] received cert request for "C=CH,
>> O=strongSwan, CN=strongSwan Root CA"
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[IKE] received 135 cert requests for an 
>> unknown ca
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[IKE] received end entity cert "C=CH,
>> O=strongSwan, CN=moi"
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[CFG] looking for peer configs matching
>> <vpn's ip addr>[%any]...<client ip addr>[C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=moi]
>> Sep 16 00:07:24 vpn charon: 07[CFG]   candidate "roadwarrior", match:
>> 1/1/1048 (me/other/ike)
>> What would all those cert requests re unknown ca's be about? I
>> included a couple examples (didn't think anyone wanted to see the full
>> list).
>> -----------------------
>> Current ipsec.conf:
>> config setup
>>         charondebug="cfg 2, dmn 2, ike 2, net 2"
>> conn %default
>>         ikelifetime=60m
>>         keylife=20m
>>         rekeymargin=3m
>>         keyingtries=1
>>         keyexchange=ike
>>         leftcert=vpnHostCert.pem
>>         leftid="C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=vpn.example.com"
>> conn roadwarrior
>>         left=<vpn's ip addr>
>>         leftsubnet=
>>         right=%any
>>         rightid=%any
>>         rightauth=pubkey
>>         rightsourceip=<client virtual ip>/24
>>         auto=add
>> current ipsec.secrets:
>> # This file holds shared secrets or RSA private keys for authentication.
>> # RSA private key for this host, authenticating it to any other host
>> # which knows the public part.  Suitable public keys, for ipsec.conf, DNS,
>> # or configuration of other implementations, can be extracted conveniently
>> # with "ipsec showhostkey".
>> # doc: wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/IpsecSecrets
>> # tell the bloody strongswan install where the bloody private key is
>> : RSA vpnHostKey.pem
>> version:
>> root@vpn:/etc/ipsec.d# ipsec version
>> Linux strongSwan U5.1.2/K3.13.0-35-generic
>> root@vpn:/etc/ipsec.d# lsb_release -a
>> No LSB modules are available.
>> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
>> Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
>> Release:        14.04
>> Codename:       trusty
>> Android is a Nexus 4 with stock 4.3 on it. Strongswan app installed
>> from Playstore yesterday.
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> Version: GnuPG v2
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> oZJSi6xi4VNgmqnf3l9R
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