
> I have set charon.install_routes = 0 to avoid installing default route to 
> route table 220, so I can actually setup the second tunnel.

Set it to "no".

> So it seems that the kernel's source address selection does not work 
> correctly in my case. I am able to workaround my troubles by specifying SNAT 
> rules like:
> [...]
> This got me thinking that the source ip selection probably happens sooner 
> than marking the packets.

It is exactly like that. Take a look at the flow graph for netfilter[1].

> So I tried  to insert my marking rules based on uid to OUTPUT chain of raw 
> table. When I did this, it did not help and moreover, even the case with 
> manual selection of source ip in curl stopped working.

I never used the uid PBR selector, so I can't tell you if some parts of it are 
broken - or not. Keep it simple and/or test other kernels. Maybe you need to 
disable the return path filter (rp_filter setting for the interface, all or 

You could work around the problem by putting the processes in cgroups, setting 
the mark in the application's socket (maybe using some LD_PRELOAD hack) or 
something else.
If you use cgroups, you again need marking rules.

Kind regards


[1] inai.de/images/nf-packet-flow.png

On 28.11.2017 07:55, Jiri Horky wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am wondering if it is possible to create ~1000 of tunnels from a single 
> linux machine for testing purposes and route the traffic based on UID of the 
> processes. I was trying to do PoC with just two tunnels  using the following 
> setup:
> strongswan-5.5.3, kernel 4.12.5-gentoo
> hotgeorge horky # cat /etc/ipsec.conf
> conn node13
>   auto=add
>   type=tunnel
>   keyexchange=ikev2
>   ike=aes256-sha1-modp1024!
>   esp=aes256-sha1-noesn!
>   left=%defaultroute
>   leftid="SomeID"
>   leftsourceip=%config4
>   right=node13
>   rightid=myrightid
>   rightsubnet= <>
>   authby=psk
>   mark_out=13
>   leftupdown=/usr/bin/sudo -E /etc/ipsec_mark_updown
> conn node14
>   auto=add
>   type=tunnel
>   keyexchange=ikev2
>   ike=aes256-sha1-modp1024!
>   esp=aes256-sha1-noesn!
>   left=%defaultroute
>   leftid="SomeID"
>   leftsourceip=%config4
>   right=node14
>   rightid=myrightid
>   rightsubnet= <>
>   authby=psk
>   mark_out=14
>   leftupdown=/usr/bin/sudo -E /etc/ipsec_mark_updown
> I have set charon.install_routes = 0 to avoid installing default route to 
> route table 220, so I can actually setup the second tunnel.
> I use following static iptables rules to mark the traffic based on UID:
> iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid 1013 -j MARK --set-xmark 
> 0xd/0xffffffff
> iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid 1014 -j MARK --set-xmark 
> 0xe/0xffffffff
> The interesting content of /etc/ipsec_mark_updown script is the following:
>   *node13*)
>   MARK=13
> ;;
>   *node14*)
>   MARK=14
> ;;
> esac
> ROUTE_TABLE=$((1000+MARK))
> case $PLUTO_VERB in
>   up-client)
> ip route flush table $ROUTE_TABLE
> ip rule del fwmark $MARK table $ROUTE_TABLE 2>/dev/null
> ip rule add priority 10 fwmark $MARK table $ROUTE_TABLE
> ip route add default via $MY_DEFAULT_GW proto static src $PLUTO_MY_SOURCEIP 
> table $ROUTE_TABLE
>         ;;
> Now, if I fire up the two tunnels:
> ipsec up node13
> ipsec up node14
> I have the following routing rules:
> hotgeorge horky # ip rule list
> 0:from all lookup local 
> 10:from all fwmark 0xd lookup 1013 
> 10:from all fwmark 0xe lookup 1014 
> 220:from all lookup 220 
> 32766:from all lookup main 
> 32767:from all lookup default 
> And following routing table:
> hotgeorge horky # ip route list table 1013
> default via dev wlo1  proto static  src 
> hotgeorge horky # ip route list table 1014
> default via dev wlo1  proto static  src 
> hotgeorge horky # ip route list table 220
> Where table 220 is empty.
> The trouble is the if I execute curl under user test_1013 (with uid 1013), it 
> times out on sending a DNS query:
> su test_1013 -c "curl http://ip-info.ff.avast.com/v1/info";
> When I manually specify the source address, it works:
> su test_1013 -c "curl http://ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com --interface 
> --dns-ipv4-addr"; echo
> su test_1014 -c "curl http://ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com --interface 
> --dns-ipv4-addr"; echo
> So it seems that the kernel's source address selection does not work 
> correctly in my case. I am able to workaround my troubles by specifying SNAT 
> rules like:
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark $MARK ! -s $PLUTO_MY_SOURCEIP 
> -j SNAT --to-source $PLUTO_MY_SOURCEIP
> But I would like to avoid doing that.
> Could you please enlighten me what I am doing wrong? It seems that if I let 
> strongwan install the routes to the table 220 (without any restrictions to 
> marks), the source address is selected correctly. This got me thinking that 
> the source ip selection probably happens sooner than marking the packets. So 
> I tried  to insert my marking rules based on uid to OUTPUT chain of raw 
> table. When I did this, it did not help and moreover, even the case with 
> manual selection of source ip in curl stopped working.
> I would be grateful for any tips.
> Note: I know that using network namespaces could sound like a better idea 
> than this. Unfortunatelly, even the newest kernel contain some race 
> conditions when destroying namespaces rapidly preventing us to use this way.
> Thanks
> Jiri Horky

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