It also relates to the responder.
You could patch strongSwan to do that.

On 04.01.2018 03:56, flyingrhino wrote:
> Thanks Noel for the quick response.
> I do have a question though -
>> You do that on the responder side via the attr/attr-sql plugins
>> (possibly by using `ipsec pool`, too).
> The initiator has several variables that I need to pass to the responder at 
> connection time. The variables don't change AFTER connection, but MAY change 
> AT THE NEXT connection. The responder needs to do firewall stuff based upon 
> these variables.
> Does your advice below also relate to the responder - that these variables 
> are NOT AVAILABLE to the updown script env ?
> Either way, what is your advice on getting the variables to the updown script?
> A really dirty solution is the initiator uploads a variables file to some 
> location and the responder updown script accesses and parses it for the 
> values. Is there a better way?
> Thanks.
>> On the initiator side, you need a plugin for charon to process the
>> custom attributes. They aren't available
>> in the updown script.
>> Kind regards
>> Noel
>> On 03.01.2018 22:51, flyingrhino wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Do we have an equivalent of the --push-peer-info command that openvpn has?
>>> Of most interest to me is the initiator pushing environment values to the 
>>> responder when it connects so that I can program the up/down script to act 
>>> upon this information.
>>> Here are the useful bits from the openvpn man page:
>>>   Push additional information about the client to server.
>>>   UV_<name>=<value> -- client environment variables whose names start with 
>>> "UV_"
>>> Thanks.

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