    It is really hard to guess what the problem is without information/logs.    In most situations where I had this issue (OK on WiFi but not OK on cell) it turned out to be MTU related.     I am almost certain that the problem you are seeing is caused by broken PMTU.
   See the references below for some insight and possible solutions.


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On 5/11/2018 5:21 PM, Jody Whitesides wrote:
I have a working VPN that can connect to the internet at large. That when a 
device is connected via WIFI it can also connect to email and websites hosted 
on the same server as the VPN. However, when a device is connected via a 
cellular connection to the VPN, it can connect to the internet at large, but 
cannot connect to email and websites on the same server.

Can anyone explain why this would occur? What is the difference between a wild 
WIFI connection and a mobile cellular connection that would cause the VPN to 
react differently to its host server?

Thank you,

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