> Le 12 juil. 2018 à 15:43, Jean-Daniel Dupas <jddu...@xooloo.com> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm trying to setup an active-active HA cluster. Actually, I'm close to have 
> a full working setup, but I have a blocking issue.
> I have installed a custom kernel (4.15.x family), and setup the CLUSTERIP as 
> described in the HA guide ( 
> https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/HighAvailability )
> Both my nodes receive the traffic, and they properly managed the cluster IP 
> to handle only half of the packets. 
> When I'm establishing a session, only one node handle it (as expected), and 
> the other one setup a passive IKE_SA.
> My problem is that once the session is up, sometimes, this is the passive 
> node (for that session) that takes over the IPSec traffic and the active node 
> completely ignore it.
> If I sniff the incoming traffic (tcpdump), the decrypted traffic is only 
> detected on the node that setup a passive IKE_SA, and not on the node with 
> the active IKE_SA.
> To make it clear, telling I have 2 servers: Alice and Moon. The IKE session 
> is established on moon, and a passive session is created on Alice, but then 
> the decrypted traffic only show up on Alice.
> As Alice is a passive node and don't have iptables entry and routes created 
> to handle that traffic, it rejects it (as expected).
> Does anyone know what can cause that inconsistency ? 
> My iptable rules look like this:
> -A INPUT -i enp1s1 -d -j CLUSTERIP --new --hashmode sourceip 
> --clustermac 01:00:5e:00:00:20 --total-nodes 2 --local-node 0
> I don't think this is relevant, but I'm using strongswan systemd 5.6.2 
> (swanctl) on Ubuntu 18.04.
> Thanks

I found an hint in the swanctl logs:

07[CFG] installed HA CHILD_SA net{3} ::/0 === (segment 
in: 2*, out: 1)

strongswan explicitly choose different segments for input and output. The 
segment where the connection was established here is the segment 1.

As it defines segment 2 for input traffic, it obviously does not works. Is 
there some settings to force strongswan to always use the segment who own the 
connection for input and output traffic ?

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