Your eyes for this are better than mine, as I missed that difference as
well.  Correcting that to match the working task now has both of them
working.  I next created two state profiles, one when connected to my
home WiFi network which exits the VPN and one when connected to any
other WiFi network which enters the VPN.  This should allow the android
tablet to safely use WiFi at all times.

Thank you again for your assistance.


> Tobias Brunner wrote:  Hi David,
>> Changing the target to Activity now has the Exit_VPN task working as
>> expected.
> Great!
>> Unfortunately the Enter_VPN task still does nothing.  Is it
>> possible that the Action should be something other than "START_PROFILE"
>> or that I need to issue another intent to connect it?
> Nope.  The only difference between the two (if you changed the target
> for both) is "Cat:Browsable" (Enter_VPN) vs. "Cat:None" (Exit_VPN).  No
> idea what it means or what the impact is, though.
> Regards,
> Tobias

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