Hello Dave,

Thank you for your persistence.

The error in your config  is the following:
In your server config ikev2-conn-eNB-test-altname :

You implicitely configure the local identity here:
   local-1 {
      auth = pubkey
      certs = gateway.crt

It defaults to the DN of gateway.crt

Then you explicitely define the required remote ID here:
      remote-1 {
         auth = pubkey
         id = DNS:zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org

Up to now, that's all fine.
The formulated requirement is:
- both use pubkey auth
- local identity is the DN of gateway.crt
- remote identity has to be of type DNS and value 
- remote certificate has to be signed by any valid and loaded CA

Now the client config ikev2-pubkey:
        remote_addrs = 2001:1890:111b:1c03::2  # tunnel addr for C1/D1
        local {
            auth = pubkey
            certs = zakr3dsegw51.crt
        remote {
            auth = pubkey
- both use pubkey auth
- remote ID has to be 2001:1890:111b:1c03::2
- local ID is DN of zakr3dsegw51.
- remote certificate has to be signed by any valid and loaded CA

That's the `pki --print`output of zakr3dsegw51:
  subject:  "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
  issuer:   "C=US, ST=Illinois, O=AT&T FSG Services, Inc., OU=Network Cloud and 
Infrastructure, CN=FSG CA Signing Certificate, E=df1...@att.com"
  validity:  not before Mar 24 19:40:28 2021, ok
             not after  Mar 23 19:40:28 2026, ok (expires in 1754 days)
  serial:    a4:ad:fc:e0:19:40:b6:62:78:58:3b:7e:74:d4:2a:57
  altNames:  zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org
  flags:     serverAuth clientAuth
  authkeyId: b9:19:aa:84:72:ff:c5:c8:a3:5e:05:46:ff:f5:15:3a:63:d4:9e:d0
  subjkeyId: 36:ea:bd:ec:7f:da:4e:5c:33:6b:cd:dd:85:72:d4:f2:e8:d9:2f:51
  pubkey:    RSA 2048 bits
  keyid: e6:4c:d3:b6:c7:e5:08:1d:f1:ad:77:04:d1:c5:4e:49:42:61:84:1e
  subjkey: 36:ea:bd:ec:7f:da:4e:5c:33:6b:cd:dd:85:72:d4:f2:e8:d9:2f:51

Valid IDs:
- DNS type, value: zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org
- DN type, value: "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 

In the log we see the following:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG] vici client 4 requests: load-conn
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]  conn ikev2-conn-eNB-test-altname:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]   child ikev2-conn-eNB-test-altname:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]   id not specified, defaulting to cert 
subject 'C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]   local:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]    id = C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]    class = public key
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]   remote:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]    id = 
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG]    class = public key
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:12:41 07[CFG] updated vici connection: 

That means your actually loaded config is this on the server side:
local-1 {
    auth = pubkey
    certs = gateway.crt
    id = "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
remote-1 {
    auth = pubkey
    id = DNS:zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org

and on the client side it is this:

local {
    auth = pubkey
    certs = zakr3dsegw51.crt
    id = "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
remote {
    auth = pubkey
    id = 2001:1890:111b:1c03::2 (value not sent because of $reasons)

Fron the log:
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:13:44 13[IKE] <1> received end entity cert "C=US, 
O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, CN=zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org"
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:13:44 13[CFG] <1> looking for peer configs matching 
2001:1890:111b:1c03::2[%any]...2001:1890:111b:1004::22[C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, 
OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, CN=zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org]
Mon, 2021-05-10, 10:13:44 13[CFG] <1> no matching peer config found

That peer configs matching line says the following:
I look for a config where the local allowed addresses (local_addrs) contain 
2001:1890:111b:1c03::2 and the identity can be ANY identity (any type, any 
    (that is because in the IKE packet the other peer (client) sent, there is 
no IDr, just an IDi (IDr == Identity Responder, IDi == Identity Initiator), 
that is valid behaviour)
and the remote allowed addresses contain 2001:1890:111b:1004::22 and the allowed 
identities have to contain "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
CN=zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org" (type[1] unknown, probably DN).

Looking at your currently loaded server side config, which is the following:
- local ID "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
- remote ID "zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org"

Explicitely compared as follows:

local ID %any contains "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
CN=zrdm55asegw52.epc.mnc670.mcc312.3gppnetwork.org" (that's fine)
remote ID "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, 
CN=zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org" DOES NOT MATCH 

a) Explicitely set the remote ID on the server side to "C=US, O=ATT_FirstNet, 
OU=ATT_FN_SeGW, CN=zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org" (that's the ID 
the client actually sends)
    * See if the identity check later on the client side works out once the 
identity the server sends for itself is known to the client. If it doesn't, 
mutate configs accordingly.
b) Set the local ID on the client to 
"zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org" (that should/will work because 
the ID is exactly contained as type FQDN in the SAN of the client cert)
        remote_addrs = 2001:1890:111b:1c03::2  # tunnel addr for C1/D1
        local {
            auth = pubkey
            certs = zakr3dsegw51.crt
            id = "zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org"
        remote {
            auth = pubkey
c) Remove the identity in the server config's remote auth section (will permit 
any certificate if sent id is part of the certificate, thus any correctly 
configured client with a trusted certificate)

I presume this is a POC where in the end a single CA or CAs under a common sub 
ca issue client certificates. In that case just get that cert and set it in 
remote.cacerts. strongSwan will ensure that certificates of clients that try to 
authenticate have to have the configured CA certificate in its trust path.
That's the preferred solution. That way you can use that single connection 
definition for all clients. The lookup for configs while config matching in the 
code is linear so keep your number of loaded connections at a reasonable 
number. Also, don't configure DNS names as local or remote addresses.
That will cause a DNS lookup for every config match (not good).

Let me know if this helps.

Kind regards

1) Standardized Identity types (from RFC5996)

   ID Type                           Value
   ID_IPV4_ADDR                        1
      A single four (4) octet IPv4 address.

   ID_FQDN                             2
      A fully-qualified domain name string.  An example of an ID_FQDN
      is "example.com".  The string MUST NOT contain any terminators
      (e.g., NULL, CR, etc.). All characters in the ID_FQDN are ASCII;
      for an "internationalized domain name", the syntax is as defined
      in [IDNA  <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5996#ref-IDNA>], for example 

   ID_RFC822_ADDR                      3
      A fully-qualifiedRFC 822  <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc822>  
email address string.  An example of a
      ID_RFC822_ADDR is "jsm...@example.com".  The string MUST NOT
      contain any terminators.  Because of [EAI  
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5996#ref-EAI>], implementations would
      be wise to treat this field as UTF-8 encoded text, not as
      pure ASCII.

   ID_IPV6_ADDR                        5
      A single sixteen (16) octet IPv6 address.

   ID_DER_ASN1_DN                      9
      The binary Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoding of an
      ASN.1 X.500 Distinguished Name [PKIX  

   ID_DER_ASN1_GN                      10
      The binary DER encoding of an ASN.1 X.509 GeneralName [PKIX  

   ID_KEY_ID                           11
      An opaque octet stream that may be used to pass vendor-
      specific information necessary to do certain proprietary
      types of identification.

2) known strongSwan identity types (from man swanctl.conf):
The following prefixes are known: ipv4, ipv6, rfc822, email, userfqdn, fqdn, 
dns, asn1dn,  asn1gn and keyid.  Custom type prefixes may be specified by 
surrounding the numerical type value by curly brackets.

Am 02.06.21 um 21:06 schrieb FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN:
Hello, I've resent this a couple of times over the last few weeks with no 
response. Appreciate that you may be too busy, just let me know if that's the 
case so that I know you received it and then I wont send any further follow ups.

Dave Finley
(630) 719-4391  (desk)
(630) 740-5198  (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 10:20 AM
To: Noel Kuntze <noel.kuntze@thermi.consulting>
Subject: RE: [strongSwan] defining a connection profile using DNS name in the 
cert's alt subject name cert field

I set my charon-logging.conf file up to match whats on the Wiki page, although 
it seems like what I have now is less verbose than before. Anyway, the settings 
I used were:

filelog {
         charon-systemd {
                     path = /var/log/charon_debug.log
                     time_format = %a, %Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S
                     default = 2
                     mgr = 0
                     net = 1
                     enc = 1
                     asn = 1
                     job = 1
                     ike_name = yes
                     append = no
                     flush_line = yes


Dave Finley
(630) 719-4391  (desk)
(630) 740-5198  (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Kuntze <noel.kuntze@thermi.consulting>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2021 3:09 AM
To: FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN <df1...@att.com>
Subject: Re: [strongSwan] defining a connection profile using DNS name in the 
cert's alt subject name cert field


The cert looks okay, the log contains nothing useful though.
Please create logs using the settings on the HelpRequests[1] page on the wiki.
Those will then contain useful information.

Kind regards

[1] https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/HelpRequests

Am 06.05.21 um 16:26 schrieb FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN:
Forgot that our mail server probably wouldn't allow that crt file through, renamed it as 
txt this time. Also attached the charon.log file from the connection failure with msg 
level turned up to 4. I search for "looking for" when I want to go right to the 
point in the log where the profile lookup is attempted and then fails.

Dave Finley
(630) 719-4391  (desk)
(630) 740-5198  (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Kuntze <noel.kuntze@thermi.consulting>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2021 6:08 PM
To: FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN <df1...@att.com>
Subject: Re: [strongSwan] defining a connection profile using DNS name in the 
cert's alt subject name cert field


Your mailserver's security solution removed the certificate.
Config looks okay though.
The right syntax is described on the man page for swanctl.conf and you 
basically already tried it all.
Please get me the certificate and logs somehow.
Logs show you what happens for what reason.

Kind regards

Am 05.05.21 um 22:33 schrieb FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN:
I attached the swanctl.conf file from both the client and the server. I
also attached the cert being used by the client so that you can see what the 
subject Alt name value is, if that's useful.

Dave Finley
(630) 719-4391  (desk)
(630) 740-5198  (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Kuntze <noel.kuntze+strongswan-users-ml@thermi.consulting>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2021 2:00 PM
To: FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN <df1...@att.com>; Users@lists.strongswan.org
Subject: Re: [strongSwan] defining a connection profile using DNS name
in the cert's alt subject name cert field

Please show your whole config and complete logs.

Kind regards

Am 05.05.21 um 20:13 schrieb FINLEY, DAVID BRIAN:


*I have ipsec clients using strongswan that are connecting to a strongswan 
server and want to setup connection profiles based on info in the subject Alt 
name string in each clients certificate. The subject Alt name in
the client cert looks like this:*

*X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:*

*                DNS:zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org*


*I've tried every variation I can think of using the "id = " parm in
swanctl.conf on the server and I cannot seem to get the strongswan server
to recognize/match on the subject Alt name in the clients cert. I've tried 
values including:*

*id = DNS: zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org*

*id = zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org*

*id = FQDN: zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org*

*id = @ zakr3dsegw51.epc.mnc100.mcc313.3gppnetwork.org*

*and others.*


*Any suggestions?*

*Thx in advance. *


Dave Finley

df1...@att.com <mailto:df1...@att.com>

(630) 719-4391  (desk)**

(630) 740-5198  (mobile)

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