Hello boys and girls!  I'm making some headway with the maven torque
plugin, so I may throw a patch at someone soon.  However, I've run
into a very odd thing, and I'm stumped.

You'd think I could do this, wouldn't you?

  <goal name="database">
    <attainGoal name="torque:create-db"/>
    <attainGoal name="torque:sql"/>

That torque:sql goal is supposed to generate some sql from an xml
file.  If I invoke torque:sql by itself, I get good stuff like this:

  alarm_num VARCHAR (6) default '' NOT NULL,
  time TIMESTAMP default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
  message VARCHAR (255) default ''

If I invoke my "database" goal, which merely invokes torque.create-db
prior to torque:sql, I get bad stuff like this:

  alarm_num $type (6) default '' $nullString $autoIncrement,
  time $type default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' $nullString $autoIncrement,
  message $type (255) default '' $nullString $autoIncrement

Those variables are from a velocity template,
sql/base/mysql/columns.vm.  What on earth would cause a velocity
template to output its name instead of its value?  And why only when
attaining one torque goal after another within the same goal?

Thanks for whatever light you can shed -- I'm almost there!


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