Michal Maczka wrote:

> 1. I want to support mapping between dependencies in POM and multiple
> classpaths.

First of all, I think this is a great idea.

I would rather called them 'dependency sets' or something because
dependency != jar.

> I see a need of having at least 3 classpaths: compile, test, runtime.
> For the moment I am using 4th classpath: "global" which is used
> in case dependency should be visible in all 3 other classpaths
> and is also useful for backward compatibility.

I'm biased against providing global/all/* set bacause this will make
lazy people put their dependencies where they are not needed.

> I think that the right way of declaring such mapping is by 
> introducing new tag inside <dependency>: <kind>
> And use it like follows:
> <kind>global</kind>(default value which is also used when tag was skipped)
> <kind>test</kind>
> <kind>runtime</kind>
> <kind>compile</kind>
> There are few open points there
> (e.g. can we have:  <kind>tests, runtime</kind> or <kind>cactus</kind> etc.)

is probably cleaner to parse.

I think that new sets with arbitrary names should be created on demand:
should be legal, and then custom-plugin sould be able to do something
like List deps = dependencyResolver.getDependencySet(PLUGIN_NAME);

> 2. I want to prepare a field for <<transitive>> dependencies. I think that
> is should be controllable if given dependency is transitive or not.
> So I am proposing to use:
> <transitive>true</transitive> 
>   or 
> <transitive>false</transitive> (default, can be skipped)

As Ben noted, we may need to have dependencies with varying 'transitive'
status per kind. For example it is very common that a library is
required for compiling and running your project, but at the same time
only for running your project dependencies. Suppose we have:


getDependencies(String kind) could return both 'kind' and
'kind.transitive' depependencies, and getTransitiveDependencies(String
kind) would return only 'kind.transitive' dependencies.

I'm not sure if this scheme addresses all the needs of dependency
transitioning, and if it's really simplest possible.

> 3. Other proposition is to change a bit a semantic of <properties> tag
> and instead of using:
> <properties>
>    <war.bundle.jar>true</war.bundle.jar>
>    <ear.bundle.jar>true</ear.bundle.jar>
> </properties>
> To make it:
> <properties>
>    war.bundle.jar=true
>    ear.bundle.jar=true
> </properties>
> There are at least two arguments for such change:
> a) It is very easy to implement (It's already done in maven-new :) )
> b) It is easier to use for end user (it's shorter)

If we need to have dependencies properties at all, I would support that
change. It's easier to read/write. At the same time I think that
'bundle' issue can be elegantly solved with dependency sets. You would
just declare an a war dependency to be <kind>war.bundle</kind> and
the war plugin would be able to pick it up.

Not sure about classloader stuff. Should it be handled with dependency
sets, or is that orthogonal to that?


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