You can do this by adding a <resources> stanza to your <unitTests> declaration in your project.xml. For example...


The only problem I've seen with this is that the 'test:test-resources' task doesn't seem to execute this if you invoke this project from another one using Reactor (can anyone shed some light on this?). So the other way you could do it is to add a <postGoal> definition to the maven.xml file (same directory as your project.xml) that looks like this:

<postGoal name="test:compile">
   <ant:copy dir="${}/test-classes">
       <ant:fileset dir="${basedir}/src/java">
               <ant:include name="**/*.properties"/>

Either way, the net effect is to put these files in the target/test-classes directory so that when you run your unit-tests these files show up in the CLASSPATH.


Steve Garcia wrote:

I wish to add additional classpath entries when I run

maven test

because there are additional resources that must be present in the classpath. For 
I am generating test cases that test ResourceBundles, so I need the .properties files 
in the
classpath.  How can I accomplish this?

Thanks, Steve

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