After the scathing blame-storming attack by Nick (just kidding), we've decided to prepare for a Maven RC1 release.

You can track progress on our attempt to get everything ready for an RC1 via JIRA. All bugs attached to MAVEN-401 will be processed prior to the release OR I will mail to the user / dev lists if I remove dependent issues (highly unlikely).

If you have something that positively must be fixed you have one of three choices
1) Find a compliant committer who will fix the problem for you. No guarantees.
2) ***BEST PLAN*** Submit a tested patch and then find a committer who will apply the patch and test it
3) Submit an issue and hope someone takes notice. No guarantees.

Changes to core functionality will probably not be considered at this stage as we just want to clean up what we have, run it for a few days and then release it.

Please note: If it's not logged in JIRA, the problem does not exist. By all means post to the dev list to find out if it is known and listed somewhere else, but ultimately, don't expect that mailing to the dev list will get it fixed. IT MUST BE PUT INTO JIRA.

(Committers: Can you funnel changes to the MAVEN-401 dependant issues through me please - Under NO circumstances unlink issues from MAVEN-401)

We'll be looking to lock down for release end of this week with an internal release after the weekend and a public release mid week (all things permitting).



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