Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 14:50, Brian Hall wrote:

How does Maven handle a mixed development world?  How easy (if it can be
done at all) is it for Maven's features be used to manage a project that
contains Java, C/C++, tcl/tk, etc.?

Kasper created a plugin for dealing with native code but the goals of
Maven at the project's inception were targeted at Java. If you are using
5 different languages, one of which is Java, something other than Maven
might be more suitable.

sorry about the late answer just got back from vacation.

yeah I started on the plugin, but it was mostly for compiling small shared libraries, jni stuff.

If you want to make something more complex you can probably write some Maven goals using cpptasks from

- Kasper

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