You're going to need to post more information.

What does maven say on the command line.

Are there any results in target/test-reports?

Dominik Dahlem wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem running a test with the property maven.junit.fork=yes.
In default mode, this test runs fine. I ran the "maven test -X" to check
the classpath with no result.
Both classpaths (fork=yes/no) contain the jar files needed to run the

Is there any issue? Am I missing something?


  _/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  __/_/_/_/  Dominik Dahlem
     _/     _/    _/  _/     _/  M.Sc. student, Computer Science
    _/     _/        _/     _/   Trinity College Dublin
   _/     _/        _/     _/    tel  : +353 (0)1 608
  _/     _/    _/  _/     _/     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _/      _/_/_/  __/_/_/_/       www  :

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